Friday, July 20, 2012

This Is What Summer Sounds Like

A flash of harmless lightning, a mist of rainbow dyes, the burnished sunbeams brightening, from flower to flower he flies.
- John Banister Tabb

“Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.” -Charlotte Bronte

It's the first noise that enters my thought process as my eyes open and adjust to the light of the day. It's a faint and calming sound, one that is easily recognized as those small winged creatures that we all so often delight in. I admire their consistency. They sing that same tune over and over, day after day, rain or shine. They pay no mind to circumstance and neither should I. They have been given the freedom to fly, how could we expect them to be silent? Shouldn't it be the same with us? Our chains have been broken...we've been given the gift of flight! Our hearts should be singing daily, rain or shine.
There is a second sound that calms the soul. It is the song of silence, between paperbound pages and well-written words. It is food for the mind and relaxation for the body.  All other noises are put to rest as you loose yourself in the mind of the author. You feel what they felt. You see what they saw. You hear the sounds that they loved most.
A third sound that is more than worthy of notation is the sound of a human soul, young or old. We are His most favored creations.  All of the sounds and scenes given by God were gifted to mankind as a means to point to something greater. All of these beautiful noises that our hearts drink in are just a taste of what's to come. This is what summer sounds like and I never tire of drinking it in. Every note matters. All the little details that are too often pushed aside form this beautiful symphony of a season.
What does summer sound like from your perspective?


  1. Loved your pictures. I invite you over to see my Summer and giveaways each Saturday. Tell others ! I will tell others about your blog.

    1. Thanks a bunch! And great I followed for future posts :)


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