Friday, July 13, 2012

Drench Me Sunshine

The sun was beating down on my skin as I dove into the work before me. The list of chores was building, but it didn't slow me down. Usually when I can't see the end in sight, I want to give up, take a break, or at least just complain, but I didn't mind it at all.

The old rusted clippers were stubborn and dull, making a simple task seem nearly impossible. After a while though you start to find a way around it, like cutting from a different angle or...handing the job off to someone else, in exchange for something different.

I pushed the mower back and forth in long rows and guided it around the trees and bushes. I did my best not to choke on the dust, but a person needs to breathe every once in a while. Some mornings I will wake up to the sound of a neighbor cutting their own lawn and at a distance it's somewhat peaceful. It sounds like summer.

I love to be out in the sunshine as rays of light leak onto my skin, drinking in the clear air and feeling the gentle breeze refresh me every now and then. Singing along loudly to my favorite songs that come through the radio static and thinking about life.

After all is said and done there is nothing that could appeal to me more than a cold drink of water. The wet steam around the glass brings cool to my warm hands and body. I couldn't help but sigh out of contentment after swallowing the cold drink. It sends refreshment right down my throat. Thoughts of summer are constantly resting on my mind. What will the rest of it be like? Excitement has been building inside me, so much so that I just might burst. I don't want to think too much about the future, not to the point that I'm living in it. I want to savor today, because today is more than worth savoring. With the sun shining down on me, I often close my eyes and ask for more of it. Drench me sunshine...I just can't get enough.

What do your summer days look like?


  1. I love all of these. Your a very good photographer. I have a 50mm, 18-55mm, 35-80mm, and my camera is a canon EOS rebel t2i :)
    Louie :)

    1. Thanks so much! You are too kind :)
      Okay so you're a Cannon person awesome! Haha. I have basically the same thing (cannon rebel) but a different model and I have a Tamron has nice zoom, but I'm not entirely satisfied with it. Do you shoot with Cannon lenses? I like my lens for the most part, but there are times when I miss even the Cannon kit lens because the image was a lot more crisp. :)


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