Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Last Bang

It was a hot July night on our friend's farm as I sat there on the bed of the truck, watching the night sky explode in various colors. I felt each bang in my chest, as the noise was so great. Laughter was sounded all around me and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of it. Even if I wasn't listening to the subject of their laughter, it still filled me with a sort of happiness.

I was amazed at the quality of this show, seeing as it was a private one. I watched a public show a few weeks later and though I did enjoy myself, watching little kids play on the grass nearby and talking with friends, I must admit I have been spoiled. There is something so much more impressive about setting them off yourself and having it match the performance of a public one. I would say that the real reason I prefer it is the seclusion. Being able to escape the crowds and still reap the benefits is such a refreshing bonus.

                 "Only our individual faith in freedom can keep us free." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

It's the moment we all look forward to, from the time that we arrive, to the first explosion, there is only one thing on our minds. The excitement builds in suspense and then we blink and it's over. We smile because it was worth it, it was what we expected. At a public firework display the massive crowd of strangers clap sophisticatedly out of appreciation, as a means to say thank you to the ones that set them off. That night on the farm, when the last bang was sounded we shouted to fill the silence, almost as a means to say thank you to those that came before us and paid for this thing that we call freedom. We might not know all of their names, but we will remember their bravery and sacrifice forever. 

   "These are the things that make us feel alive
   These are the things that make us realize
   Life is beautiful"-The Afters


  1. Wow, your a very good photographer I love all of them :)

    1. Ya just made my day a little brighter :) Thank you!

  2. I think the Boston fireworks on the 4th of July with the crowd of 500,000 was as exciting as it gets! You should try it sometime in your life!

    1. Okay Peter..way to make my efforts in appreciating the little things seem useless! Haha no but in all seriousness that is just as awesome! I hope to see it someday. I remember we went to Bristol fireworks on the water in Massachusetts and that was incredible!


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