"Leave me here. I don't deserve You're love."
You'd never entertain that idea. Your grasp is tight, You're always close. This emptiness I feel is good news to You, because now You can fill me up. Now You can show me You're strength and my need for it.
You should walk away right now, but if you did I'd be destitute, lacking purpose, knowing failure and nothing else. I'd be back to what I was, but because of Your perfect promises, I know I'll never have to walk those halls again. This is permanent freedom, the kind that never fades. With You there's not even little chains, with You the ropes are loosed, they won't hold this heart anymore, cause this heart is Yours. I belong to You.
"For freedom Christ has set us free" ~Galations 5:1
Oh, I love this. God has given you a gift for writing girl. :) I hope to start on your novel soon!